Player: SomeoneAwful

Overall Stats

Total ScoreGamesWinsWin %Best XLBest ScoreAverage ScoreFirst GameMost Recent Game
381,559,7983835614.62%2721,441,159996,2392018-03-03 03:12:112020-12-23 20:55:16


11,583,645GrEEMetallomancerescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!91,04008:28:27Vehumet32019-03-22 23:37:400.22-a0cko
21,480,664SpEnDemonologistescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!94,48907:46:49Gozag32019-03-27 02:12:550.22-a0cko
31,530,251OpIESorcererescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!104,60612:13:49Vehumet32019-03-28 06:50:450.22-a0cko
41,903,244DsAcWrestlerescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!58,54105:52:00Cheibriados32019-04-03 06:01:100.22-a0cko
52,467,029SEAEEnglaciatorescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!105,43311:29:20Vehumet52019-04-15 23:08:580.22-a0cko
61,933,274FoAcThanatomancerescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!51,79503:39:11Ru32019-04-16 22:55:300.22-a0cko
73,624,729FoAcInvulnerableescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!60,28504:59:21Ru52019-04-22 17:30:300.22-a0cko
82,932,084MiAcPhalangiteescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!86,43707:08:55the Shining One52019-04-30 03:02:470.22-a0cko
91,752,669HOAcMessiahescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!73,57507:35:12Beogh32019-05-07 12:20:260.22-a0cko
1018,880,299FoAcRhythm of Life and Deathescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!81,63108:57:24Uskayaw152019-05-09 05:48:110.22-a0cko
1116,242,685VSAcVine Bladeescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!96,39607:34:34Gozag152019-05-19 13:06:320.22-a0cko
1213,151,807DEAcPlane Walkerescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!123,63011:09:46Vehumet152019-05-24 04:51:210.22-a0cko
133,293,410SETmSenseiescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!69,00107:00:30Cheibriados52019-05-28 04:17:560.22-a0cko
143,470,791GrCKFencerescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!64,50505:03:56Xom52019-05-31 07:14:160.22-a0cko
1515,899,835DsArRhythm of Life and Deathescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!98,91506:47:52Uskayaw152019-06-01 23:20:200.22-a0cko
1620,127,321OpTmGrand Masterescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!76,36306:23:50Cheibriados152019-06-05 19:01:120.22-a0cko
171,966,119DsAcEcstaticescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!54,91303:09:01Uskayaw32019-06-16 15:44:320.22-a0cko
182,768,865MfGlPhalangiteescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!53,22705:06:47Okawaru42019-09-10 17:57:110.22-a0cko
191,798,117TrBeWrestlerescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!64,62205:01:19Trog32019-09-13 21:04:100.22-a0cko
201,903,241DDAcChampion of Chaosescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!57,80304:19:04Makhleb32019-09-15 22:02:250.22-a0cko
213,077,713GnAcVictor of a Thousand Battlesescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!76,07104:09:27Okawaru52019-09-17 23:21:040.22-a0cko
222,743,266AbAcAbomination Bladeescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!57,39305:43:54Wu Jian42020-01-24 16:57:270.22-a0cko
2319,055,561GnAcTycoonescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!80,58406:47:10Gozag152020-01-29 16:31:270.22-a0cko
241,391,402FoAcChampion of Chaosescaped with the Orb and 2 runes!47,74303:31:44Makhleb22020-02-02 08:34:580.22-a0cko
2519,876,218FoAcFormicid Aeonescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!77,14607:51:32Cheibriados152020-02-14 12:41:570.22-a0cko
261,717,530HaAcImpregnableescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!64,11505:40:03Okawaru32020-02-15 10:47:540.22-a0cko
271,758,414DrAcEcstaticescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!66,31305:04:22Uskayaw32020-02-17 08:26:080.22-a0cko
2816,024,736MuAcArchmageescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!98,19410:33:56Gozag152020-02-21 21:32:500.22-a0cko
291,934,328TrAcWrestlerescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!56,37203:55:53Trog32020-02-25 00:44:210.22-a0cko
302,709,851HCAcShattererescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!58,25706:20:07Okawaru42020-03-03 06:30:560.22-a0cko
313,749,828TeAcLord of Darknessescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!58,16405:28:42Kikubaaqudgha52020-03-06 20:19:090.22-a0cko
323,540,590GrAcConquerorescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!64,04905:33:32Okawaru52020-03-08 22:21:010.22-a0cko
3318,106,666CeAcPhalangiteescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!85,46606:43:13Okawaru152020-03-09 07:56:470.22-a0cko
3416,112,571FDAcAnnihilatorescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!98,03809:11:56Vehumet152020-03-16 23:34:050.22-a0cko
354,939,228GhAcMiddleweight Championescaped with the Orb and 6 runes!59,31506:37:26Cheibriados62020-03-19 10:45:550.22-a0cko
3616,242,665HuAcPyromancerescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!96,13707:57:28Gozag152020-04-22 07:01:590.22-a0cko
371,841,659HEAcElven Bladeescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!66,38204:07:49Makhleb32020-04-29 21:11:260.22-a0cko
381,806,946PrAcMarksprometheanescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!62,25303:14:4632020-05-01 23:38:390.22-a0cko
392,850,905KoAcSniperescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!52,37203:06:19Okawaru42020-05-12 10:47:340.22-a0cko
402,003,686MfAcMerfolkian Porcupineescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!52,87103:59:59Okawaru32020-05-17 07:32:190.22-a0cko
4119,094,727LOAcVictor of a Thousand Battlesescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!80,74406:29:21Okawaru152020-05-18 07:19:460.22-a0cko
4220,455,415OpAcMetallomancerescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!74,70306:04:37Gozag152020-05-29 10:43:480.22-a0cko
433,639,392FDCjCryomancerescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!59,60904:53:50Vehumet52020-05-31 05:51:080.22-a0cko
441,976,796NaAcPhalangiteescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!50,85402:52:04Uskayaw32020-06-02 01:35:170.22-a0cko
453,563,422OgAcRapturousescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!62,95604:05:04Uskayaw52020-06-02 18:47:330.22-a0cko
461,927,839SpAcCutthroatescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!55,05604:15:54Gozag32020-06-05 20:15:020.22-a0cko
471,918,812DjAcSniperescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!60,03503:53:06Makhleb32020-06-13 15:57:480.22-a0cko
482,027,915OgAcHawkeyeescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!52,91703:37:40Okawaru32020-07-10 17:30:270.22-a0cko
492,033,809HOAcPortalistescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!52,80804:02:01Cheibriados32020-09-24 02:15:340.22-a0cko
503,813,150GEAcPyromancerescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!56,50705:05:42Okawaru52020-09-24 23:56:590.22-a0cko
511,580,688SkAcInvulnerableescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!83,79604:55:17Gozag32020-10-11 04:34:090.22-a0cko
5221,441,159FoAcBringer of Lightescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!70,98505:17:33the Shining One152020-10-27 23:00:490.22-a0cko
532,052,584FoAcFormicid Bladeescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!50,42803:44:38Okawaru32020-11-03 11:05:550.22-a0cko
542,064,158BaAcPhalangiteescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!53,12603:32:00Okawaru32020-11-05 23:12:140.22-a0cko
5518,288,306HOAcChampion of Chaosescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!84,88507:01:50Makhleb152020-11-07 20:59:360.22-a0cko
561,879,046SEAcEcstaticescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!59,91704:45:58Uskayaw32020-12-01 08:46:430.22-a0cko

Streaks of Wins

 WinsStartEndGamesStreak Breaker
122019-04-30 03:02:472019-05-07 12:20:26MiAc, HOAcFoAc
222019-05-31 07:14:162019-06-01 23:20:20GrCK, DsArHOBe
322019-06-05 19:01:122019-06-16 15:44:32OpTm, DsAcGEAc
422020-02-14 12:41:572020-02-15 10:47:54FoAc, HaAcHuAc
522020-03-16 23:34:052020-03-19 10:45:55FDAc, GhAcHuAc
622020-05-29 10:43:482020-05-31 05:51:08OpAc, FDCjHOAc
722020-06-02 01:35:172020-06-02 18:47:33NaAc, OgAcSpAc
822020-10-27 23:00:492020-11-03 11:05:55FoAc, FoAcVSAs
922020-11-05 23:12:142020-11-07 20:59:36BaAc, HOAcMfSu

Recent Games

2FoAcSkirmisherD:1slain by a hobgoblin110800:00:192020-12-23 20:55:160.22-a0cko
34,169FoAcCheibriadosFencerLair:3slain by a 13-headed hydra1412,22900:28:352020-12-18 19:18:100.22-a0cko
16FoAcSkirmisherD:1slain by a leopard gecko228800:00:542020-12-18 18:44:530.22-a0cko
1,879,046SEAcUskayawEcstaticescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!2759,91704:45:5832020-12-01 08:46:430.22-a0cko
6,675VpAcKikubaaqudghaArcherD:10mangled by a wolf (led by Grum)109,72700:24:512020-11-14 19:04:350.22-a0cko
30,347VpAcUskayawCarverVolcanoannihilated by a stone giant1315,44400:41:332020-11-12 08:41:540.22-a0cko
311MfSuCallerD:4slain by Ijyb (a +0 club)65,12100:09:422020-11-10 18:57:240.22-a0cko
18,288,306HOAcMakhlebChampion of Chaosescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!2784,88507:01:50152020-11-07 20:59:360.22-a0cko
2,064,158BaAcOkawaruPhalangiteescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!2753,12603:32:0032020-11-05 23:12:140.22-a0cko
17,687BaAcUskayawNimbleD:12hit from afar by a cyclops (large rock)1210,66800:27:092020-11-03 19:34:360.22-a0cko
15,808VpAcHepliaklqanaSpear-BearerLair:2mangled by a swamp worm1210,59300:25:422020-11-03 17:42:490.22-a0cko
473VSAcHepliaklqanaCudgelerD:4mangled by an orc warrior (a +0 war axe)73,36300:08:572020-11-03 11:45:210.22-a0cko
3VSAsSneakD:1slain by a jackal16400:01:342020-11-03 11:23:350.22-a0cko
2,052,584FoAcOkawaruFormicid Bladeescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!2750,42803:44:3832020-11-03 11:05:550.22-a0cko
21,441,159FoActhe Shining OneBringer of Lightescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!2770,98505:17:33152020-10-27 23:00:490.22-a0cko

Combo Highscores

OpAc* (20455415), OpTm* (20127321), LOAc* (19094727), GnAc* (19055561), HOAc* (18288306), CeAc* (18106666), HuAc* (16242665), FDAc* (16112571), MuAc* (16024736), DsAr* (15899835), DEAc* (13151807), GhAc* (4939228), GrCK* (3470791), KoAc* (2850905), MfGl* (2768865), HCAc* (2709851), SEAE* (2467029), SEAc* (1879046), OpIE* (1530251), SkGl (92194), HuNe (4389)

* Winning Game

Species Highscores

Op* (20455415), LO* (19094727), HO* (18288306), Ce* (18106666), Hu* (16242665), Mu* (16024736), DE* (13151807), Gh* (4939228)

* Winning Game

Class Highscores

Ar* (15899835)

* Winning Game

Winning Characters

Ab   1                            1Ab
Ba   1                            1Ba
Ce   1                            1Ce
DD   1                            1DD
DE   1                            1DE
Dg                                 Dg
Dj   1                            1Dj
Dr   1                            1Dr
Ds   21                           3Ds
FD   1    1                       2FD
Fe                                 Fe
Fo   7                            7Fo
GE   1                            1GE
Gh   1                            1Gh
Gn   2                            2Gn
Gr   1   1  1                     3Gr
HC   1                            1HC
HE   1                            1HE
HO   3                            3HO
Ha   1                            1Ha
Hu   1                            1Hu
Ko   1                            1Ko
LO   1                            1LO
Mf   1          1                 2Mf
Mi   1                            1Mi
Mu   1                            1Mu
Na   1                            1Na
Og   2                            2Og
Op   1             1         1    3Op
Pr   1                            1Pr
SE1  1                       1    3SE
Sk   1                            1Sk
Sp   1       1                    2Sp
Te   1                            1Te
Tr   1  1                         2Tr
VS   1                            1VS
Vp                                 Vp
 1  451 111 11  1  1         2    56 

Games Played

Ab   3                            3Ab
Ba   10                            10Ba
Ce   5                            5Ce
DD   4                            4DD
DE   1                            1DE
Dg                                 Dg
Dj   5                            5Dj
Dr   10                            10Dr
Ds   31                           4Ds
FD   8    1   1    1         1   113FD
Fe                                 Fe
Fo 1 31                            32Fo
GE   12                            12GE
Gh   1                            1Gh
Gn   51                    1   31 11Gn
Gr   6   1  1                     8Gr
HC   4    1                       5HC
HE   19                            19HE
HO   9  1             3           13HO
Ha   2                            2Ha
Hu   15                 1          16Hu
Ko   8                            8Ko
LO   4                            4LO
Mf   4          2           1     7Mf
Mi   5  1       1                 7Mi
Mu   2                            2Mu
Na   18                            18Na
Og   7                            7Og
Op   2             7         4    13Op
Pr   6                            6Pr
SE1  38                       1    40SE
Sk   52          6                 58Sk
Sp   5       4                    9Sp
Te   10                            10Te
Tr   2  2                         4Tr
VS   10 1               1          12VS
Vp   4                            4Vp
 11 33021412 141 9  8  32   116 311383 

Best Character Levels

Ab   27                            27Ab
Ba   27                            27Ba
Ce   27                            27Ce
DD   27                            27DD
DE   27                            27DE
Dg                                 Dg
Dj   27                            27Dj
Dr   27                            27Dr
Ds   2727                           27Ds
FD   27    27   22    15         13   1327FD
Fe                                 Fe
Fo 4 27                            27Fo
GE   27                            27GE
Gh   27                            27Gh
Gn   2715                    5   136 27Gn
Gr   27   27  27                     27Gr
HC   27    7                       27HC
HE   27                            27HE
HO   27  16             6           27HO
Ha   27                            27Ha
Hu   27                 10          27Hu
Ko   27                            27Ko
LO   27                            27LO
Mf   27          27           6     27Mf
Mi   27  17       6                 27Mi
Mu   27                            27Mu
Na   27                            27Na
Og   27                            27Og
Op   27             27         27    27Op
Pr   27                            27Pr
SE27  27                       27    27SE
Sk   27          15                 27Sk
Sp   27       27                    27Sp
Te   27                            27Te
Tr   27  27                         27Tr
VS   27 1               2          27VS
Vp   13                            13Vp
 274 27271272727 272722 27  27  610   5627 1361327 

Last updated 2022-06-18 14:14:05 UTC.