Player: buddhastalin

Overall Stats

Total ScoreGamesWinsWin %Best XLBest ScoreAverage ScoreFirst GameMost Recent Game
111,048,885242156.20%2717,341,430458,8792018-11-05 02:29:502022-07-15 23:21:03


17,882,478DsAcTalismancerescaped with the Orb and 9 runes!77,15006:25:55Makhleb92019-05-15 18:16:450.22-a0cko
215,347,893VSAcConquerorescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!102,91110:31:42Okawaru152019-05-20 19:42:110.22-a0cko
317,341,430DsAcRhythm of Life and Deathescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!89,60107:21:24Uskayaw152020-06-11 20:23:230.22-a0cko
414,400,727HaAcConquerorescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!110,80908:24:14the Shining One152020-06-20 03:51:300.22-a0cko
52,273,715MfGlSlayerescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!75,15003:55:04Okawaru42020-06-21 00:01:110.22-a0cko
62,159,271HOAcConquerorescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!87,18204:53:28Okawaru42020-06-25 13:43:430.22-a0cko
71,991,419MiAcInvulnerableescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!54,31304:14:22Okawaru32020-06-27 16:37:000.22-a0cko
81,687,241CeAcSlayerescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!68,97803:29:05Okawaru32020-06-28 21:46:590.22-a0cko
92,562,986GrAcSlayerescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!62,74903:32:43Uskayaw42020-06-30 13:20:490.22-a0cko
101,816,971DrAcConquerorescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!61,68803:41:21Okawaru32020-07-01 18:59:160.22-a0cko
112,415,567GhAcConquerorescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!69,14204:18:42Okawaru42020-07-16 15:55:130.22-a0cko
122,411,651HOAcConquerorescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!72,93803:49:40Uskayaw42021-02-07 21:19:460.22-a0cko
132,799,226DsAcSlayerescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!87,07604:56:06Okawaru52022-02-07 17:46:230.22-a0cko
1414,025,779CeAcConquerorescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!113,82806:43:07Okawaru152022-02-13 21:27:400.22-a0cko
1513,413,352HuAcBringer of Lightescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!120,34108:05:52the Shining One152022-02-21 15:17:450.22-a0cko

Streaks of Wins

 WinsStartEndGamesStreak Breaker
122020-06-20 03:51:302020-06-21 00:01:11HaAc, MfGlHOBe

Recent Games

207,417FoAcOkawaruWarriorShoals:1slain by a manticore1925,31801:26:0712022-07-15 23:21:030.22-a0cko
24NaAcSkirmisherD:2slain by a gnoll (a +0 spear)31,12500:02:192022-06-05 21:41:360.22-a0cko
46NaAcSkirmisherD:2shot by a centaur (arrow)31,84800:02:522022-06-05 20:07:400.22-a0cko
462OpAcOkawaruSlasherD:4blasted by an orc priest (divine providence)74,75800:10:182022-06-05 20:04:060.22-a0cko
13,413,352HuActhe Shining OneBringer of Lightescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!27120,34108:05:52152022-02-21 15:17:450.22-a0cko
418HuAcCoveredD:4mangled by an orc priest (a +2 short sword of electrocution)74,46200:07:142022-02-17 22:46:100.22-a0cko
165HuAcShooterD:4mangled by an ogre (a +0 giant spiked club)53,08600:06:092022-02-17 22:33:250.22-a0cko
54HuAcSkirmisherD:2slain by Crazy Yiuf (a +3 quarterstaff of chaos)41,93500:02:572022-02-17 22:27:080.22-a0cko
172BaAcOkawaruPokerD:4slain by Ramos's ghost53,14900:08:172022-02-17 22:23:230.22-a0cko
167BaAcPokerD:3blasted by Grinder (nerve-wracking pain)53,08700:06:432022-02-15 03:02:270.22-a0cko
355TrAcCharlatanD:4slain by a troll62,38500:07:192022-02-15 02:54:240.22-a0cko
11,475SEActhe Shining OneCleaverLair:1mangled by an eight-headed hydra1110,74900:22:382022-02-14 22:03:080.22-a0cko
23,825DrAcMakhlebBasherLair:3mangled by a seven-headed hydra1216,21200:33:262022-02-14 21:30:590.22-a0cko
14,025,779CeAcOkawaruConquerorescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!27113,82806:43:07152022-02-13 21:27:400.22-a0cko
12,548CeAcOkawaruArcherLair:3mangled by a swamp worm1114,99800:26:462022-02-08 22:40:050.22-a0cko

Combo Highscores

HaAc* (14400727), DsSu (4479)

* Winning Game

Species Highscores

Ha* (14400727)

* Winning Game

Class Highscores


Winning Characters

Ab                                 Ab
Ba                                 Ba
Ce   2                            2Ce
DD                                 DD
DE                                 DE
Dg                                 Dg
Dj                                 Dj
Dr   1                            1Dr
Ds   3                            3Ds
FD                                 FD
Fe                                 Fe
Fo                                 Fo
GE                                 GE
Gh   1                            1Gh
Gn                                 Gn
Gr   1                            1Gr
HC                                 HC
HE                                 HE
HO   2                            2HO
Ha   1                            1Ha
Hu   1                            1Hu
Ko                                 Ko
LO                                 LO
Mf              1                 1Mf
Mi   1                            1Mi
Mu                                 Mu
Na                                 Na
Og                                 Og
Op                                 Op
Pr                                 Pr
SE                                 SE
Sk                                 Sk
Sp                                 Sp
Te                                 Te
Tr                                 Tr
VS   1                            1VS
Vp                                 Vp
    14          1                 15 

Games Played

Ab             1                  1Ab
Ba   3                            3Ba
Ce   7                            7Ce
DD                                 DD
DE                          1     1DE
Dg                                 Dg
Dj                                 Dj
Dr   6                            6Dr
Ds   39                    1 31    44Ds
FD        10                       10FD
Fe    1 2                         3Fe
Fo 1 15                            16Fo
GE                                 GE
Gh   15                            15Gh
Gn   1                       1    2Gn
Gr   11                            11Gr
HC   7                        1   8HC
HE   8                            8HE
HO   81 1                         10HO
Ha   1                            1Ha
Hu   11                            11Hu
Ko   5                            5Ko
LO                                 LO
Mf   14          1           1     16Mf
Mi   13         2                  15Mi
Mu                                 Mu
Na   5                            5Na
Og                                 Og
Op   4                       3    7Op
Pr                                 Pr
SE   2                            2SE
Sk   2                            2Sk
Sp   2                            2Sp
Te   1                            1Te
Tr   18                            18Tr
VS   12                            12VS
Vp                                 Vp
  1 2102 3 10    31         1 551   242 

Best Character Levels

Ab             3                  3Ab
Ba   5                            5Ba
Ce   27                            27Ce
DD                                 DD
DE                          5     5DE
Dg                                 Dg
Dj                                 Dj
Dr   27                            27Dr
Ds   27                    2 103    27Ds
FD        27                       27FD
Fe    1 11                         11Fe
Fo 7 27                            27Fo
GE                                 GE
Gh   27                            27Gh
Gn   11                       7    11Gn
Gr   27                            27Gr
HC   19                        6   19HC
HE   12                            12HE
HO   273 12                         27HO
Ha   27                            27Ha
Hu   27                            27Hu
Ko   6                            6Ko
LO                                 LO
Mf   11          27           6     27Mf
Mi   27         15                  27Mi
Mu                                 Mu
Na   5                            5Na
Og                                 Og
Op   11                       11    11Op
Pr                                 Pr
SE   11                            11SE
Sk   4                            4Sk
Sp   11                            11Sp
Te   19                            19Te
Tr   17                            17Tr
VS   27                            27VS
Vp                                 Vp
  7 273 12 27    1527         2 10116   27 

Last updated 2022-07-15 23:27:47 UTC.